Message of Light

Get answers and raise your frequency


A short message from the field

With this message, receive a direct answer to a question of your choice, read individually for you from your morphogenetic field

You’ve already done a lot of mulling over a topic, but feel like you’re going round in circles and just can’t figure out what would really help you move forward?

This valuable impulse shows you what you can recognize in relation to your topic or what the next step is for your unfolding.

Use the quantum field to go one level deeper, out of the superficiality of your mind, and into the depths of your inner peace.


Your Message of Light is received individually for you, which means that the messages may sound different and sometimes contain symbols, sounds, or specific instructions. It comes in the way that is most suitable for you to receive this message.

Client Examples of Messages of Light:

Answer to a client's question: How can I raise my vibration and feel more joy?

"Your field shows me a web of threads in which you have become entangled. There are feelings of being overwhelmed and a longing for relaxation, clarity, and calm. I see you trying to untangle all the threads, but it just doesn't work. It feels like a tricky situation.

I repeat my question from the beginning to your field.

Now I see a veil fall away from your eyes and clarity enters your gaze. It is as if you can see “behind” the threads and they slowly become transparent and then disappear completely. What remains is a clear, calm, wide field that is ready for your guidance, your decisions. The field waits and asks you “How do you want to decide?” It is like a synchronicity. You decide in every moment according to your inner authority, and are one with the field, which reacts immediately. There is joy behind it. You are in your flow because you stay with yourself and don't try to solve something that is not yours."

Testimonial Item

Answer to a client's question: How do I become a better leader?

"Your field shows me how you stand in a larger group of people and connect with each individual. You shake the person's hand, put your other hand on their shoulder, and look them in the eye. In this way, you gradually move on and build a connection with each individual. It looks as if you are building a network of light-filled threads on which information is flowing and being transmitted all the time. I see how you use an eyedropper to add drops of light to the network, and how you consciously decide what you want to put into these connections and what you feed the network with. It has now become a very large network, with many connections between people, and yet it feels as if every person is very close to you and can be reached quickly through these light-filled connections."

Testimonial Item

Answer to a client's question: What hidden inner potential am I not yet living?

"Your field shows me a well with a bricked edge made of stones. A person is leaning over the edge and looking into the depths of the well, in which the surface of the water shows the person's reflection. You stand diagonally behind the person and place a hand on their shoulder and look into the depths with them.

Your field tells me that the fountain with the reflection stands for the transformation of this person. A deep feeling of love and compassion emanates from you, and I see a clarity and deep recognition in your eyes. The person now turns around with a questioning look and the moment their gaze and yours meet, this information, which you could already see, is transmitted, and this recognition is now also reflected in the other person's gaze. A feeling of being grounded and timelessness flows through me."

Testimonial Item

Answer to a client's question: “Am I on the right path with regard to my professional project?”

"Your field shows me you walking along a path and wondering “Hmm, is this the right path, is this ‘my’ path?” And you look around searching and examining, looking under stones and trying to recognize signs along the way. It looks as if you are asking yourself how you can now recognize the “right” path. Your field is clearly telling you to stop trying to recognize the signs on the outside or trying to get the answer from the outside. Instead, direct your attention inwards, into your inner guidance, in order to free yourself from dependence on the outside. Now your field shows me how lights light up in your feet and knees, which go over your feet into the ground and connect with the crystalline, luminous grid of Mother Earth. It looks as if every step is illuminated.You walk your path, your steps create your destiny, and it is a beautiful, powerful construct of light that continues to be illuminated with you and your steps. Your path is created as you walk, so it only exists with every step you take. Therefore, you cannot say that a path is “wrong” because it does not yet exist, so to speak. You can create an effect of this step with each step and then see whether you like this effect and then choose the next step. Do you like this effect? Is it the highest contribution for you and the others? Are you taking full advantage of your sphere of influence? Are you in your presence, in full conscious being? Do you feel fulfillment and joy? Does your inner authority say “yes”? What should the next step be to create the effect you want? What is your intention? These questions will help you to guide yourself and create “your” path step by step."

Testimonial Item

Answer to a client's question: How can I alleviate the feelings of “life is a struggle” and a “vulnerability to be alive” and connect with my essence?

"Your field shows me you, dressed up in white, majestic and powerful in radiance. You start talking immediately:

“I came here a long time ago. I have seen pain, I have seen struggle, and I know. I came here this time to direct energy to a path that is beyond what is already known on planet earth. In this lifetime, I am learning to see this destructive behaviour as what it is, energy that has a certain effect. And I am here to teach about the effects, to show people what the effects or their choice are for all of us. I came here, to direct this energy into more healthy frequencies and choices. It is my task to not let myself be distracted from this mission. I learned about drama and the toxic and destructive effects so that I can use this knowledge to guide others out of their drama and destructive behaviour. I can see what they can't. And I understand that sometimes you are in it and feel that you do not have a choice but to go along with it. This builds my compassion. I am here to be a guide on planet Earth. I am a powerful white being. I have to understand consciously that I am greater than any feeling or emotion inside me. They just visit me, but I am not them. I am what I am. I choose to give myself to those emotions, to feel them, until they are felt. Then they will leave. I am not dependent on them and I do not have to "make them go away". I am at peace. I can see through the illusion that tells me that I have to fight. Because I am what I am. This is my essence. And I do not need to find a way to "reach" that essence, because it is what I am. I know it.

I just have to follow it and to stop telling myself why it is not possible and to stop distracting myself with endless thoughts that do not lead me to who I am. I am what I am.”

Now the atmosphere in your field changes, the image of you disappears, and a deep voice speaks:

“Breathe. With your breath you used to create worlds. Surrender to yourself. This is your essence. There is no way around it and you cannot miss it, because it is what you are. You can only stop looking to find it somewhere else. You are what you are.”

I just have to follow it and stop telling myself why it is not possible or distracting myself with endless thoughts that do not lead me to who I am. I am what I am.

Jetzt ändert sich die Atmosphäre in deinem Feld, das Bild von dir verschwindet und eine tiefgehende Stimme spricht:

“Breathe. With your breath you used to create worlds. Surrender to your self. This is your essence. There is no way around it and you cannot miss it, because it is what you are. You can just stop looking to find it somewhere else. You are what you are.”

Testimonial Item

Are you looking for a profound, high-vibrational and very personal solution to a challenge, or do you want to know your next step and have not yet made any progress on a cognitive level?


Through contact with the divine consciousness, you have the opportunity to receive answers that can touch and nourish you deeply and have the power to raise your frequency.

I allow these energies to flow through me in connection with the divine source and the crystalline heart of Mother Earth in full devotion, always being the highest contribution to you and serving the divine consciousness.

What is special about a Message of Light


Unique Answer

This answer is individually received just for you. Your field always sends you the picture, the words, and/or the symbols that are most beneficial to your development and make the greatest contribution to you personally.


Loving Clarity

Gain clarity on a topic of your choice, see the bigger picture and new perspectives, experience support in moving into inner peace, and thus raise your vibrational level.


Deep Dive

You have the chance to recognize deeper levels of yourself through this reading and thus find answers that are not tangible with the mind.


Divinely Guided

Each Message of Light is received in my fullest surrender to the divine essence and purest love and clarity for translation into your language. This power resonates in your message.


“I read the message and felt myself in it. It was all very synchronized.

As I read the words, I was able to give order to my story and my feelings. Something was awakened deep within me. I recognized it as mine. I feel so grateful ... so much magic! I have goosebumps all over my body!

Thank you so much for your help! Wow, you are light.”

Testimonial Item

Patricia Crespo

“The information I received opened a new space of acceptance and re-encounter with my truth.

I am grateful to have received this message, which helps me to connect and accept what I am, stopping my inner struggle.”

Testimonial Item

Dr. Silvia Torres Correa

“Thanks to Esther's work, I was able to organize something that I had experienced before and couldn't put into words myself.

This order has given me a lot of clarity and peace.”

Testimonial Item

Yaiza Rodríguez Mesa

“The message from Esther was very eye-opening.

I understood the approach to my internal conflict from a more loving and respectful place with myself.”

Testimonial Item

Cristina Simancas

Let’s create a new business world together


Individual Reading

Would you like a longer reading because you have several questions and want to go deeper, or do you want a 1:1 session in your morphogenetic field?

Then book an appointment for a free consultation here, and we will see which offer will make the greatest contribution for you.