Golden Guidance

Consciously guiding others
into a new era of business art


Online- Leadership Training

for empathetic managers who want to learn new ways of leading and wish to accompany people in a holistic and fulfilling way

Do you have the painful feeling that you are “wasting” valuable time as a leader? Do you long to connect more deeply with yourself? Do you want to use this power to lead people into their potential – in a holistic way and with loving clarity?


Discover the strength in your "soft" side as a manager


learn to use it successfully and enjoyably in your day-to-day work


learn to recognize yourself and show yourself authentically


learn how to consciously guide people

Contents of the training:

Week 1
Meaning and principles of Conscious and Mindful Leadership and practical application examples
Week 2
Human Design types and their significance for collaboration and leadership
Week 3
Introduction to the Gene Keys and your own profile
Week 4
Beliefs: Recognizing limiting beliefs and implementing techniques for transformation
Week 5
Communication: Techniques for peaceful communication and expressing needs and wishes; implementation in everyday business life
Woche 6
Giving constructive feedback and resolving conflicts, including practical application
Week 7
Delegation and prioritization according to inner authority
Week 8
Leadership roles in the new era, coaching as a manager
Week 9
Working with energetic fields, systemic constellation work in a business context
Week 10
In self-responsibility and presence: My own leadership style

Do you receive feedback that you are “too nice” and “too compassionate” to be a leader? Do you see barely any opportunities to show your “soft” side in everyday business life?

Do you hold back your inner strength and not show yourself as you are at work? Do you sometimes feel like you can’t bring the “magic” and meaning you long for into your everyday leadership life and that you have to leave a part of your true self at home every morning?

Are you afraid of not being taken seriously and even of being excluded by colleagues and superiors if you show yourself authentically on the job?

Floating Item
Recognize your deeply guided potential

Learn more about your uniqueness through insights into your Gene Keys and Human Design Profiles, as well as how you operate in the world

Transform Limitations

Recognize and transform limiting beliefs and move through fears

Learn to communicate your needs

Learn to accept the power of your influence and to put your feelings, needs, and desires into words with loving clarity using the peaceful communication method

Take your leadership skills to the next level

Find out more about new leadership techniques for conscious and mindful leadership, and learn how to apply them in practice


Find deeper fulfillment in leading people:

As a holistic coach and Conscious Leadership Trainer, I accompany you in leading other people from your full presence on a highly vibrational level, incorporating two levels: your own inner transformation and the application of very specific leadership techniques.

increase your self-esteem by being authentic at work
find your own leadership style that comes from within you and is not dictated from the outside


“Since I started working as a manager, I realized that professional coaching advice would be helpful to further develop my skills in not only leading a team, but also in creating the perfect group of people with good communication and teamwork – things I value a lot but which are also, sadly, hard to find.

Esther's course was exactly what I was looking for – a professional coach, a comfortable environment, and a great group of people with different backgrounds and a lot of experiences to learn from. What I learned in this workshop will without any doubt make a positive difference in my future career."

Testimonial Item

Salvador Ramon Ramirez

"A professional and trustable Coach, Esther helped me change my perspective on working and personal issues, allowing me to find the best way to solve specific problems.

What I found very helpful was her ability to understand a topic, analyze it in its 360° complexity, list one by one the prominent points, and help you find abetter way to face them. She is very sensitive and intuitive and makes people feel comfortable from the very first moment. I highly recommend her support."

Testimonial Item

Elena Veronese

“In many coaching sessions, I always had the impression that you are very much boxed into a ‘you should’ or ‘you must’ corset. One method is right and the other is wrong.

Esther thinks differently. She is never concerned with right and wrong, but with what is good for you. She looks at life circumstances, goals, wishes, and backgrounds from all perspectives, and understands that personal goals always have an impact on professional life and vice versa. I take away an incredible amount of inspiration and drive from every session. This helps me put ideas into practice and look at everything holistically. Absolutely recommendable!”

Testimonial Item

Toni Marques Felix

Let’s create a new business world together



A completed preliminary talk with me
Willingness to go deep within and take responsibility for yourself and your own development
Ability to find joy and fulfillment in guiding people with love and compassion
Technical requirements to take part in Zoom video calls with video and audio